
Project – Let’s get our house back – “Free Turkmenistan”

The program of building a free and prosperous Turkmenistan

Today, our native Turkmenistan is occupied by corrupt officials, headed by the Berdimuhamedov family, who staged a genocide against our people.  We have to admit it with a heavy heart. The country does not care about its citizens to feed itself and in search of a better life, about half of the working citizens of Turkmenistan are forced to go abroad to work.

How so? Turkmenistan is a country with an excellent climate that allows you to harvest 2 full—fledged crops a year, huge areas of irrigated land, and rich reserves of natural resources (gas, oil, and others). Our citizens should live no worse than the citizens of the richest Arab countries, why are we barely making ends meet?

The answer is very simple. All the wealth of our country is being stolen and appropriated by the Turkmen ruling elites — formerly the Niyazov clan, now the Berdymukhamedov clan, as well as their close associates.  And smaller clans on the ground. For 30 years of our country’s independence, they built their corruption system, robbed the country of tens of billions of dollars and everything is not enough for them. And so that the people do not understand this, they close free access to information and brutally suppress any dissent, hiding behind the facade of falsified elections and imitation of democracy.

It can’t go on like this. It’s time for a change.

The people of Turkmenistan, as well as other peoples of Central Asia, want a free and peaceful life. He works peacefully on his land, for the benefit of his family and the country, without any obstacles to leaving and entering his country. The values of human rights, democracy, and peace are as natural for them as for any other people in the world. Because many citizens of the country work or have worked abroad, perhaps it is Turkmen society that is more ready than other Central Asian countries to accept democratic values, having long considered them their own.

To live in a free and prosperous Turkmenistan, it is necessary to replace the thieving power of the Berdimuhamedovs, hold free, honest democratic elections at all levels of government, and begin to pursue an economic policy in the interests of the entire people, not the corrupt elite.

It is quite possible to do this and the Turkmen people can do it.
The President — resign!
For fair elections!
Stop stealing!
Freedom for political prisoners!
For a prosperous Turkmenistan!

Return home

It is not known how many people live in Turkmenistan now.

According to official statistics – 6.2 million people. According to independent estimates (which we trust more) — 3.7 million. According to other estimates — 2.5-2.8 million people. The data from the last population censuses (2012 and 2022) have not been published. Even international organizations have little confidence in official data.

The postscript of the population is necessary for the current authorities to demonstrate the fictitious successes of their policies. To deny that there is a large-scale depopulation of the country’s population. But not only that. They are also needed to falsify elections by casting ballots (or simply attributing votes) for those people who actually cannot vote because they are abroad.

The remaining 2.5 million people (the difference between official figures and independent estimates) is the assessment of labor migration. They are hardworking and responsible people who do everything for their families. Half the country has left home to work!

There are at least 12 million Turkmen worldwide. About 3 million live permanently in Iran, 1.5 million in Afghanistan, and over 1 million in Turkey. In other countries, Turkmen diasporas make up tens and hundreds of thousands of people.

Our goal is to create all conditions for the return of our citizen’s homes, to provide them with jobs with decent pay, and working and living conditions. To make them the opportunity and want to return to a new, free Turkmenistan.

So that those of our fellow citizens who have been able to earn well abroad have the opportunity and want to invest money in their native Turkmenistan.

The return of relatives home will be the main criterion for the success of our political and economic reforms.

Citizens of Turkmenistan are unhappy and unfree. International ratings of the country.

  • Happiness Index — Happy Planet Index – New Economic Foundation together with the environmental organization Friends of the Earth and the humanitarian organization World Development Movement, 2021: 141st place out of 152 countries.

The most unhappy country in Central Asia and the former USSR.

  • The level of civil liberties is the rating by the International Human Rights Organization Freedom House, 2021: 207th place out of 209.

The lowest of all the countries of Central Asia and the former USSR.

  • The level of Economic freedom — The Heritage Foundation) and The Wall Street Journal), 2022. Status: “Not a free country”. 165th place out of 175.

The lowest of all Central Asian countries and the former USSR.

  • Transparency International Corruption Perception Index, 2022: 167th place out of 180. 19 points out of 100.

The most corrupt country in Central Asia and the former USSR.

  • The Economist’s Democracy Index, 2021: 161st out of 167. Status: Authoritarianism.

The most authoritarian country of Central Asia and the former USSR.

What we will do immediately: the path to freedom and improving people’s lives

Political reforms are a key condition for any reforms in the country. It’s not about transferring power from one clan to another. As our experience and the experience of other Central Asian countries shows, this is of no use. It is about abandoning the clan system and establishing a democratic organization of the state in the country with real independence of the three branches of government – legislative, executive, and judicial. And a powerful fourth power — free media.

Today Turkmenistan is one of the most closed countries in the world, along with North Korea and Eritrea. It should become one of the most open countries. We have to practically re-create a judicial system for protecting the rights of the population, honest and independent media, state statistics, providing access to free and cheap high-speed Internet, and a digital state administration. Stop all manifestations of gender inequality — the observance of tradition should not turn into a morality police, as in Iran or Afghanistan, all people are born free and should have the rights to life, education, work, freedom of speech, and conscience.

Of course, all political prisoners will be released and rehabilitated, they will be provided with the necessary treatment and a decent pension free of charge. There will be an amnesty for economic crimes — many were imprisoned simply for not sharing something with the ruling clans.

Today Turkmenistan is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. We will overcome corruption with the help of market reforms in the economy, mutual control of various branches of government, a strong and free press, and active work of law enforcement agencies.

There are huge and glaring social problems in the country. It will not be possible to solve all of them at once, but something can be done right away, in the first year of reforms.
Increase the minimum wage from 1,160 manats or from $61 to 4,060 manats or $215, that is, by 350 percent, including in agriculture.
Increase the minimum pension from 410 manats or 21.5 US dollars to 1435 manats or 75.5 US dollars, that is, by 350 percent.
Increase scholarships and all social benefits by 3.5 times.

– If now the benefits for the first child amount to 507 manats or 26.7 US dollars, then this amount of the benefit will rise to 1521 manats or will amount to 80 US dollars (2) times.
– From the 5th to the 8th child, the allowance will rise from 410 manats to 2460 manats or 130 US dollars.
– Starting from the 8th child, the allowance will rise to 5330 manats or 280 US dollars
– Women awarded the title of Ene Myahri (Maternal Tenderness) receive another 50 percent supplement to their pension, child care allowance, disability, and social benefits.
– The allowance for orphans will increase, that is, if a large family with 4 children loses its breadwinner, 2500 manats will be paid for each child. All families with more than 5 children will receive 4,500 manats for each child.

Turkmen citizens deserve to live much better with their patient work than they do now.

According to Turkmenistan’s report to the UN, there are 524.3 thousand pensioners in the country for 2022, and the average size of their pension is 703.1 manats ($37 at the market rate). That is, in the first year of reforms, for the planned increase in pensions, we need an additional 1014 manats x 524.3 thousand pensioners x 12 months = 6.38 billion manats or 336 million dollars.

The whole priority social program seems huge, but it will require $1.5-2 billion a year. That for a country with an official export of $10 billion (and a “gray” outflow of capital from a third to half of this amount) is not so much. In addition, a significant part of this money will return to the budget in the form of taxes.

Where will the money come from?

The first and biggest reserve for solving social problems is the cessation of theft.

Today, the main profit centres have been moved outside the country. Export companies of the Berdimuhamedov clan buy products of Turkmen companies for manats and sell them for freely convertible currency, often for cash. They have installed receipts at all enterprises of the country, they get their share from every ton of oil, petroleum products, metal, and cotton. From each ton (cubic meter) of products shipped for export, they receive from ten to a hundred dollars. Only by stopping illegal racketeering, setting publicly and transparently the prices of oil and gas contracts, and stopping corruption, Turkmenistan can annually receive an additional 500 million US dollars a year. At least the same amount can be obtained by stopping theft under other export contracts.

Billions of dollars are flowing out of the country.
There will be an immediate barrier to this:
Introduction of a freely convertible manat exchange rate.

Immediate introduction of external management in all export enterprises owned directly or indirectly by the Berdymukhamedov clan or related clans. Subsequently, a number of these enterprises are subject to nationalization and, after restoring order in finances and export flows, privatization.

Restoring order in the budget, stopping irrational spending, and redirecting them to social needs. All budget reforms should be discussed publicly, and all information about the budget (except secret) should be published.

Inventory of all state reserves — foreign currency and others. Unfortunately, all this information is kept secret today, but there is no doubt that there are such reserves. Reporting and transparency of extra-budgetary funds, closure of all external extra-budgetary funds located outside Turkmenistan. All funds received from the sale of export products of the state should initially be credited to the correspondent accounts of the Central Bank. (Today, more than 70% of foreign currency funds go to an extra-budgetary fund in Deutsche Bank, from where it is distributed according to Berdymukhammedov’s instructions. By decree, he banned the provision of data to the Central Bank and tax authorities).

Bringing the exchange rate of the manat to the market level at first will lead to its fall. This is very good news for all citizens of the country working abroad and sending money home. When converted into manats, these transfers will increase significantly. At the same time, it will also increase budget revenues (taxes on these amounts). The conversion should be carried out around the clock. During the day, exchange offices of banks and private companies. At night and on weekends, the exchange should be carried out only by the exchange offices of private companies.

International lawsuits will be formed for the return of funds stolen from the country and all those who engaged in theft and fraud using their official position will be put on the international wanted list.

These funds will be enough to finance increased salaries, pensions, and benefits during the year. If there is a shortage of funds, it will be possible to proceed with the accelerated sale of state property and the privatization of some enterprises.

A year from now: freedom and market reforms

New laws will be adopted to guarantee the observance of all fundamental human rights and freedoms, and regular fair elections at all levels of government (legislative, executive, and judicial). The illegal and unconstitutional body of the People’s Assembly will be abolished.

Turkmenistan will become the freest and most democratic country in Central Asia.

A new constitution will be prepared and submitted for discussion, guaranteeing the real separation of powers and the transition in 5 years (after the completion of the main democratic and economic reforms) to a parliamentary republic with the abolition of the office of the president. So that no clan could ever seize power in the country again.

In a year, the economic reforms carried out will start working and it will be possible to continue the program of increasing the minimum social guarantees for the citizens of the country.

Agricultural production will grow by leaps and bounds (and without any attribution) after farms become directly interested in its growth. In addition, it is quite possible to reach preliminary agreements on the water with neighboring countries (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan) in a year and its inflow will increase.

Foreign exchange earnings from mining and industry will grow sharply after the termination of their outright plundering.

Improving the financial situation of a business will increase the taxes collected from it (without increasing tax rates) and will allow it to raise salaries itself (which will also lead to an increase in taxes).

State corporations will stop dictating their conditions to farms and will become service organizations providing services for harvesting, transportation, etc. The antimonopoly authority will ensure that they do not inflate their prices, and law enforcement agencies will ensure that there is no corruption in them.

The new market economic system will work in full force.

Guaranteeing conditions (regimes) for foreign investors will be introduced (development and adoption of necessary laws protecting investor rights – production sharing agreements, concessions, and other forms). Foreign capital will begin to actively flow into the country.

The economic dynamics will accelerate sharply, and a shortage of labor will begin to be felt, which in turn will increase the salaries of employees and make work in Turkmenistan more attractive than abroad. Our citizens will return home for economic reasons. It will be more profitable to work in Turkmenistan, not abroad.

In 5 years: all the reforms will work and begin to have an effect 

The reforms of the first years in the legislative and administrative field will begin to produce results:

GDP will grow 3 times, the average salary will be in the range of 800 and 3500 US dollars.
Turkmenistan will have highly qualified workers in all major sectors of our economy.
There will be a new stable class of workers – engineering and technical personnel.
We will not be the raw material base of developed countries, but we will become the same producers of final products.
All the built plants and factories will work and reach the design capacity.
The newly created financial and stock markets will start working.
Natural resources of oil and gas will make up no more than 40 percent of exports.

In 15 years: Turkmenistan will be the freest and most prosperous country in the region

Turkmenistan will become a parliamentary republic with strong democratic traditions that guarantee a return to past authoritarian tendencies. The rights and freedoms of people will be firmly secured. The country will become transparent and one of the most open in the world.

Thanks to the development of the economy, Turkmenistan will become the center of attraction for people of the entire Central Asian region, and the population will increase dramatically. The real incomes of people will grow significantly.

The production of agricultural products will increase significantly. New agreements will be secured between the Central Asian countries on quotas for water supply. Crop yields will increase sharply due to considerable investments in clearing the network of intra-Turkmenistan canals, salt purification channels, and reservoirs. Thanks to the reform of relations between agricultural production entities on a market basis, wholesale prices for agricultural products will significantly increase, which will ensure a rapid increase in the standard of living of farmers.

The richest reserves of gas and oil will be used much more intensively, their production will increase dramatically after Turkmenistan moves along the path of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan: attracting advanced technologies and foreign capital into production and creating a new gas and oil transportation system, including to Europe, by laying a gas pipeline along the bottom of the Caspian Sea.

Using the advantages of cheap electricity, oil, and gas and having restrictions on their export, we will actively develop energy-intensive oil and gas chemical production, and ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Based on them, we will raise mechanical engineering and, in particular, the automotive industry. Turkmenistan will become a center for the production of electric vehicles in Central Asia with a developed infrastructure for refueling them based primarily on renewable energy sources.

The future of Turkmenistan lies in the organic development of the agriculture and manufacturing industry, based on the country’s natural advantages – a fertile climate, cheap oil and gas resources, and energy, as well as relatively cheap labor.

Turkmenistan will be the leader of economic reforms in Central Asia. Having proved its democratic choice and political stability, Turkmenistan will become an excellent place for relocation of production facilities from the USA and Europe, even from Russia and China — as many East Asian countries are acting in this role today. Turkmenistan will become the new Central Asian “tiger”.

Turkmenistan will become a country with a completely new, modern, and innovative economy, which will attract Turkmen from all over the world and many people from Central Asian countries lagging in their development. People will not leave the country to work, but, on the contrary, come to us to work. Democratic Reform program

From the first day after the change of power:

  1. A Temporary Transitional Government will be created and the first Constitution of Turkmenistan of 1992 will come into effect, as well as all international conventions ratified by the Parliament of Turkmenistan.
  2. The possibility of registering a party, public organizations, as well as publishing houses, newspapers, magazines, TV channels, electronic publications, and all mass media will be simplified.
  3. All restrictions on the use of the Internet will be lifted immediately.
  4. To participate in the elections, all artificially created illegal restrictions for the registration of future candidates will be lifted.
  5. Restrictions on the movement of citizens of Turkmenistan will be lifted. Any citizen of Turkmenistan will be able to leave or come to Turkmenistan without hindrance at any time. The Migration Service will be completely abolished. Exit or entry permits for citizens of Turkmenistan will be canceled. The functions of the migration service will be assigned to a new state organization – the Prefecture. Prefectures will be created in each region, and they will report directly to the President and Prime Minister of Turkmenistan.
  6. A citizen of Turkmenistan can live or work in any area, and change his place of residence at any time. Registration will be made as easy as possible. As a good example, we can use the registration system in France, where about 70 million citizens live. There are no problems with taking into account citizens or their residence in France.
  7. All political prisoners will be released immediately and, if necessary, they will be provided with free medical care, housing, and financial assistance.

Adoption of the Democratic Constitution of Turkmenistan

To resolve the current political crisis in Turkmenistan, the bicameral Parliament will be terminated before the expiration of its term of office. After that, new elections will be scheduled in all regions, cities, and districts of Turkmenistan within 90 days. The elections will be open and fair with the participation of people’s observers and representatives of independent international organizations. The mass media will be allowed to freely cover the elections on an equal basis for all candidates.

The newly elected Parliament will prepare a draft Constitution of Turkmenistan, taking into account the norms of international law and international conventions ratified by the Parliament of Turkmenistan. The draft of the new Constitution of Turkmenistan will strengthen the articles related to human rights and the humane attitude of the State toward its citizens. The principle of separation of State power into legislative, executive, and judicial powers will be constitutionally fixed, and their independence from each other will be ensured. A reasonable balance has been established between all branches.

The draft of the new Constitution will be put up for public discussion and widely covered in the mass media of Turkmenistan.

After the new Parliament of Turkmenistan has studied all the comments and proposals received, the Democratic Constitution of Turkmenistan will be adopted at the next meeting of the Parliament.

Local government reform
The Law on Local Self-Government profoundly reforms the relations between the center and the regions toward their greater independence and responsibility to the voters:

  1. The functions of the governors of regions and districts will be divided between the Prefecture and the Governors.
  2. Appointments by the President to the regional Governor, cities, and districts will be canceled. The governors will be elected by the people themselves, living in regions, cities, and districts in free and open elections. Any citizen of Turkmenistan has the right to put his candidacy as a candidate and be elected by the people.
  3. A prefecture will be created in each region, which will take over the functions of accounting and issuing personal documents of citizens of Turkmenistan and foreign citizens: passports, national individual cards, driver’s licenses, certificates of temporary residence in Turkmenistan, granting citizenship or asylum, and the like. Prefects of the region and cities will be appointed by the decree of the President of Turkmenistan.
  4. The executive bodies will:

execute and implement all decisions of the regional, city, and district Council of People’s Assemblies,

prepare draft decisions of the regional, city, and district Council,

ensure the protection of the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of residents of the region, city, or district within their competence.

to carry out the necessary activities related to the operational management of the regional, city, and district economy and the functioning of transport logistics.

Police reform

Create a commission with the involvement of the public and re-certify all police officers within 3 months. To do this, it is necessary to temporarily withdraw all police officers from the staff and announce recruitment to the police again. Until a personal decision is made on each, police officers continue to perform their functions. Take only those who are not seen in corruption or cruelty. But mostly new people.

To use international experience and systematically carry out professional development of police officers with visits to European countries and the USA. Strengthen the Ministry’s internal security service for supervision and control of compliance by employees with the Constitution and laws of Turkmenistan.

Create a Diplomatic police to protect diplomatic missions and international organizations. Having studied international experience, it is necessary to determine the status and functions of the Diplomatic Police.

Dismiss from the police and bring to justice all those who are seen in illegal and cruel actions against civil activists or non-compliance with the rights of prisoners. Dismiss and initiate criminal proceedings against all employees found to be corrupt. Reinstate those police officers who refused to carry out illegal orders.

Reforms of the National Security Service

Completely reorient the national security service, eliminate its repressive functions, and carry out cardinal reforms.

To improve the organizational and legal basis of the activities of the National Security Service of Turkmenistan. At the legislative level, amend the law on the National Security Service of Turkmenistan.

The reform should include a change in the staffing of the special service staff, the implementation of all social benefits, the systematic updating of special equipment and material resources, and the effective implementation of operational and service activities.

To develop a national security strategy for Turkmenistan. This strategy will be a basic strategic planning document defining the national interests and strategic national priorities of Turkmenistan, goals, objectives, and measures in the field of domestic and foreign policy aimed at strengthening the national security of Turkmenistan and ensuring sustainable development of the country for the long term.

Reform of the judicial system and the criminal law system

Turkmenistan ranks an incredible 3rd in the world in terms of the number of prisoners per 100,000 population — 576 people. After the USA (629) and Rwanda (580).


It’s not that the citizens of our country are such hardened criminals. And the fact is that the state is very cruel to its citizens. Criminal law in the country is archaic, extremely harsh, and involves a long prison sentence for the slightest offenses (not for everyone, of course, except for the “elite”), courts always follow the lead of prosecutors and investigators, as well as “telephone law”, the law school is extremely weak. The essence of criminal punishment is not in its cruelty but in its inevitability.


  • Revise criminal law, apply non-custodial penalties much more widely, reduce prison sentences, and decriminalize many offenses by replacing criminal punishment with administrative punishment or abolishing it altogether.
  • To hold a mass amnesty. It is too expensive to keep 35 thousand prisoners, half or 2/3 of them should have their prison sentences replaced with other non-custodial penalties, or they should be pardoned.
  • To grant amnesty to all political prisoners, including those who are sitting on “non-political” articles attributed to them. Immediately stop the practice of attributing criminal offenses to citizens for political activity, which is widespread today.
  • Reform the penitentiary system by introducing control of public commissions, including relatives of prisoners, over the conditions of detention of “inmates”, purging the ranks of employees of this system, and immediately dismissing all those involved in the ill-treatment of prisoners.
  • An independent court is very important for monitoring the actions of the police and the investigation. To do this, we need guarantees of the inviolability of judges (guarantees of retention in office, for example, 5-10 years, high salaries, pensions, a special procedure for bringing to justice, etc.). But for such guarantees, judges are independent of the authorities, and corruption is needed. Judges must pass re-certification, confirm their professional aptitude and have a minimum 3-year law practice. All new judges should be appointed only with a 5-year law practice.
  • To introduce the practice of electing judges by the population from among persons with appropriate qualifications.
  • Actively apply the practice of jury trial, especially in serious crimes.

Neutrality — a new reading

The policy of neutrality is a response to the aspirations of our people, who want to work peacefully and calmly for the benefit of the family and the country. But does the current government always understand it correctly?

Is the mass expulsion of people from Ashgabat before the holiday neutral? Is the demonstrative withdrawal of Turkmen officials from the UN during the speech of the representative of Ukraine neutrality? Is friendship exclusively with authoritarian regimes and distancing oneself from democratic ones neutrality? Is a weak and amorphous army based on universal conscription neutrality? Is self—isolation, the closure of the country from foreigners – its neutrality? Is strict dependence on gas supplies on Russia or China neutrality?

Neutrality is not just the absence of aggressive plans against neighbors due to the weakness of their army. Neutrality is not a passive, but an active policy aimed at the peaceful solution of the international tasks facing the country in the interests of the citizens of the country.

Neutrality is not avoiding international contact. On the contrary, their active development, builds balanced mutually beneficial relations with neighbors, with different regions and countries, and with international organizations. Complemented by openness within the country, and the involvement of foreign citizens and companies in solving the problems facing the country.

Neutrality is not a cowardly “sitting in ambush” in the hope that you will not be noticed. Neutrality is not a weakness, but a strength, it should rely on a highly professional, but small army capable of quickly and effectively eliminating any threats to the country, if they arise, and not involved in solving internal problems. And therefore enjoying the well-deserved respect and trust of citizens.

This is the kind of neutrality we advocate, this is the kind of policy we support and will pursue when we come to power.

Military reform

According to official statistics, 36.5 thousand people serve in the ranks of the armed forces of Turkmenistan.

But you can’t believe this data. In Turkmenistan, there is universal military service, and the term of compulsory service is 2 years (for doctors — 1 year). But half of the soldiers serve enterprises for the cultivation of large and small cattle and chickens, work as shepherds for free, and harvest crops. Meat is exported, and the income settles in the pockets of military and civilian officials and well-fed businessmen. This has nothing to do with the protection of the Motherland and can be considered a kind of slave labor. Many soldiers almost do not see weapons, do not know how to use them, and hold a machine gun in their hands only during the swearing—(and then – one for all). There is no system of normal social support for officers.

There are more armored vehicles in Turkmenistan than in other Central Asian countries — 2,792 units. But these are the remnants of the Soviet grouping of troops in Mary near the borders with Afghanistan and Iran, plus part of the Soviet equipment withdrawn after the end of the war with Afghanistan. It is obsolete and probably most armored vehicles are no longer on the move.

The country’s military budget in 2022 amounted to $ 407 million (according to


Compare this with the military budgets of our neighbors: $692 million in Uzbekistan, $5.5 billion in Iran, $2.6 billion in Kazakhstan, and $3.1 billion in Azerbaijan.
Despite some high official figures, today the army of Turkmenistan is one of the weakest in the region.
Such an army in our country is not capable of fulfilling its tasks.
What should I do?

First: Prepare and approve the military doctrine and switch to a professional army.

Turkmenistan’s policy of neutrality should be based on the country’s military might. Otherwise, it will be a policy of weakness. With the understanding that the country with its vast irrigated lands and reserves of natural resources is quite a possible potential target of military aggression. We emphasize — while potential. But the weakness of the country’s army can turn this possibility into reality.

The military doctrine of Turkmenistan should formulate the existing and potential military threats to our state and determine ways to counter them. On this basis, establish the necessary size of the army and the requirements for its equipment. The use of the army inside the country (for non-military tasks) should be excluded. And it is recorded that Turkmenistan does not want to be the first to use military force in relations with other countries.

The population of Turkmenistan is several times smaller than that of its neighbors. Therefore, the emphasis should be placed not on the mobilization potential and conscription method of recruiting the armed forces, but on a compact, mobile, and professional army, well trained and equipped with the most advanced equipment, capable of destroying an enemy army significantly outnumbered.
There should be an early transition to a predominantly professional army — under contract. Citizens who have reached the age of 18 will serve no more than 6 months and engage exclusively in combat training. Students should be called up for military training only during the holidays so that this does not interfere with their studies. In the future, universal military service can be completely abolished.

The number of contractors can be estimated at 7 thousand people. Their salary should be in the first years from $800 to $3500 per month. In the next 4 years, it will rise above USD 3,500.

According to our estimates, the country’s military budget will increase from $400 million to $600 million due to the transition to a predominantly professional army.

This will not be too burdensome for a country that is moving into rapid economic growth mode. It will be possible to significantly save on military expenses by conducting all purchases for the army through tenders and auctions with the involvement of foreign contractors — so we will eliminate corruption.

Second: To significantly improve the military training and equipment of lower-level military personnel and officers.

Invite military experts from leading and developed countries to the country and train our servicemen in new tactics, strategies, and effective use of military equipment. Purchase a sufficient number of modern weapons. Pay special attention to the development and use of unmanned aerial vehicles. The Azerbaijani-Armenian war and the war in Ukraine have shown that drones are an effective means of waging war. They help to conduct reconnaissance, and surveillance of the redeployment of enemy troops, contribute to the infliction of maximum losses to enemy troops, effectively management of military units, and reduce losses both in defense and in the attack.

It is necessary to conduct joint military exercises with neighboring countries, as well as with the most militarily developed countries.

In 5 years you will not recognize our army. You will see, instead of little physically developed, poorly dressed, and almost unarmed 18-year-old boys, well-trained and equipped military men from 20 to 45 years old. You will be proud of our army. And soldiers and officers will be proud to serve in it.

The third is: Solving the social problems of military personnel.

To build modern military camps with free accommodation and medical care, including for family members of military personnel. Allocate a preferential interest-free loan for the purchase of housing. 25% of the new income of military personnel will be quite enough to service these loans.