The Ministry of Defense and the Military Prosecutor’s Office of Turkmenistan conducted an inspection of some military units in the Ahal velayat. And not without reason – problems have been identified that arise systematically. Radio Azatlyk reported this with reference to military sources.
According to them, after visiting canteens, barracks and military warehouses, shortcomings were identified in matters of food supply, medical care and sanitary and hygienic conditions. But the control authorities did not give specific instructions to eliminate the identified deficiencies. The inspectors only talked one-on-one with the soldiers and held general meetings with the personnel. But they didn’t complain about anything, because they were sure that after the inspection soldiers left, they would be punished or create additional hardships.
Employees of the Military Prosecutor’s Office also checked how document circulation is conducted in military units. But due to the fact that the leadership did not have time to properly prepare, it turned out that butter, sugar, bread and other products were given to the soldiers in the canteens below the norm.
In addition, the sanitary and hygienic conditions in which soldiers have to serve are in a terrible state. Lice were found in the barracks and military uniforms of the boys. But the military leadership laid the blame for this on the soldiers themselves – they say, “this happened because they don’t bathe on time, we’re tired of telling them about it.”
But how can young people address sanitary and hygienic issues if military units are not properly provided with soap and shampoo? What can we talk about if no one even buys medical supplies for first aid? The first aid kit of one of the institutions contains only iodine, brilliant green and bandages.
It is not surprising that the parents of conscripts agree to pay bribes of tens of thousands of manats in order to arrange for their sons to serve in those military units where, at least, the conditions are relatively better.
The inspections ended with a general meeting with personnel. There they reminded the military personnel of the consequences of conflicts and fights that arise from time to time. The guys were also urged to maintain order and discipline. But no one reported how the security situation would be corrected.