Turkey deported six activists from Turkmenistan in 2023

At least 6 opposition activists from Turkmenistan have been deported from Turkey in 2023. They were sent to Ashgabat, according to Radio Azatlyk.

The names of the activists are:

Farhat Meimankuliev,

Rovshan Kylychev,

Umit Kuzybaev,

Dovran Imamov,

Maksat Baimuradov,

Serdar Durdylyev.

All these individuals opposed the dictatorial regime of Berdymukhamedov and actively criticized the authorities of Turkmenistan. The latter do not tolerate oppositionists for the reason that they can influence the consciousness of the population and show the real problems of the country. This is the opinion of Alisher Sakhatov, an activist from Turkmenistan.

Human rights activists believe that not all deported activists were in Turkey legally. A representative of the Turkmen Helsinki Foundation Annadurdy Hajiyev said that they did not apply for political asylum and lived on the territory of Turkey with expired passports.

Now human rights activists fear for the lives of the deportees. Previously, they have repeatedly appealed to the Turkish authorities for help to prevent the deportation of the Turkmen activists. And all because there are serious risks to the lives of the activists, including torture, other ill-treatment, and threats to their relatives. Now nothing is known about the fate of the deportees. The authorities and official media of Turkmenistan are silent.

Video: Migrant Media
