Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov creates a “warm” place for himself with all the powers and without any responsibilities

He again decided to return from the unicameral parliament scheme, transforming the upper house into the Halk Maslahaty — the highest representative body. Who makes all the important decisions (up to the change of the constitution) without any procedures, deputies are elected/appointed anyhow, and work unprofessionally. That is, they simply stamp the papers offered to them. And this is given out as the will of the people.

And this is just a year after the adoption of the new constitution (October 2020) with a bicameral parliament! What has changed this year?

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave the post of president to his son and headed the upper house of parliament. He considered his powers insufficient, and parliamentary procedures burdensome. And he wanted to manage everything like Niyazov in his time without unnecessary restrictions.

This is another step towards his transformation into a “spiritual leader”, Ayatollah or Elbasy of Turkmenistan.

The Constitution should not be rewritten according to the desires and whims of one person.

A unicameral or bicameral parliament is not so important. For a small republic, a unicameral one is enough. But — this is critically important! – all parliamentary procedures should be clearly outlined and deputies should be people professionally engaged in this activity. No amorphous quasi-parliamentary bodies.

For the effective separation of powers and the termination of personalization and merging of one person with the government in the future, the elimination of the post of president is necessary. Then the Turkmen democracy could work effectively.

Based on this information:
